10年专业拍摄经验官方深度合作 加拿大护照\枫叶卡照\加拿大移民照
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作者: 来源: 时间:2024-04-27 13:39:58 点击:


其实关于这个问题,在加拿大移民官网上就已经说得很清楚了,移民照和枫叶卡照片必须由商业摄影师拍摄完成,且在照片背面签章用以确认是职业摄影师拍摄的。加拿大移民局官方之所以这样规定也是为了确保制证的合格率。避免因为照片不合格而被拒。那你是否知道一个数据, 80% 的加拿大护照、签证和公民申请被拒绝是因为您提交的照片不符合官方要求?故为了安全考虑,不要因为方便而随便找一家照相馆一拍了之,这样会给您带来很多麻烦。第一次就做对!会省事很多。




加拿大枫叶卡照,背面是商业照相馆英文印章、日期及申请人签名信息 ,且护照及枫叶卡照片必须是:


  • 50 毫米宽 X 70 毫米高(2 英寸宽 X 2 3/4 英寸长。

  • 在均匀照明下拍摄,不会出现阴影、眩光或闪光反射。

  • 居中并直接拍摄,面部和肩部居中并与相机成方形。

  • 以中性面部表情拍摄(睁眼清晰可见,闭嘴,没有微笑)。

  • 清晰、锐利、聚焦。

  • 在纯白色或浅色背景前拍摄,您的脸部和背景有明显差异。照片必须反映/代表自然肤色。

  • 从下巴到头顶(自然的头顶)的面部高度在 31 毫米(1 1/4 英寸)和 36 毫米(1 7/16 英寸)之间。

  • 反映您当前的外观(在过去 6 个月内拍摄)。

  • 未经数字修改或从现有照片拍摄的原始照片。

  • 专业打印在普通、高质量的相纸上(不接受在家打印的照片和打印在重磅纸上的照片)。



You must submit 2 identical and unaltered photos with each passport application.

Photo requirements

Your passport photos must be:

clear, sharp and in focus

taken with a neutral facial expression

eyes open and clearly visible

mouth closed, no smiling

taken in person by a commercial photographer or studio with:

uniform lighting and with no shadows, glare or flash reflections

face and shoulders to the camera: straight-on, centered and squared

a plain white or light-coloured background with a clear difference between your face and the background. Photos must reflect/represent natural skin tones.

50 mm wide X 70 mm high (2 inches wide X 2- 3/4 inches long)

the height of the face measures between 31 mm (1- 1/4 inches) and 36 mm (1- 7/16 inches) from chin to crown of head (natural top of head)

an image of your current appearance, taken within the last six months

professionally printed on plain, high quality photographic paper

we don’t accept photos printed at home and photos printed on heavy weight paper

original photos that are not altered in any way or taken from an existing photo

What is an altered photo?

An altered photo refers to any photo that has been edited or changed in any way, by any means, and includes:

technical corrections or enhancements, such as:

adjustments to colour, brightness, contrast or sharpness

cropping around the subject’s head and shoulders, including:

cutting and pasting the subject against a white background

editing of the facial features, such as:

changing size or shape of eyes, nose, mouth or ears

editing to improve the appearance of the subject, such as:

removing glare

removing red-eye

changing hair colour

eliminating wrinkles, blemishes or birthmarks

editing the subject’s clothing, including changing colours

changing the background, including eliminating shadows

Back of photo details

On the back of 1 photo

the photographer must put a stamp or written information showing the

date the photo was taken

name and complete address of the photo studio

your guarantor must

clearly write "I certify this to be a true likeness of (applicant's or child’s name)" for an application

sign the back of the photo

If you’re renewing an adult passport using the Simplified Renewal application form, you don’t need a guarantor.

Extra details

We accept photos with:

glasses worn if:

your eyes are clearly visible

there is no glare on the lenses

hair down or up

hats and head coverings worn daily for religious beliefs or medical reasons if:

your full face is clearly visible

the head covering doesn’t cast shadows on your face

Photos may be in colour or in black and white

We don’t accept photos with:

sunglasses or tinted eye glasses (even when the eyes are clearly visible)

red-eye effect or red-eye alterations

hats and head coverings not worn daily for religious beliefs or medical reasons

shadows, as lighting must be uniform to avoid shadows:

around the ears

in the background

across the face or shoulders

Child photos

Child photos must follow the same rules as standard passport photos. They must show your child's head and shoulders only. Parent's or child's hands must not appear in the photo.

For newborn babies, the photo may be taken while your child is sitting in a car seat, as long as:

a white blanket is placed over the seat behind their head

there are no shadows:

around the ears

in the background

on the face or shoulders

you write “I certify this to be a true likeness of (child’s name)” and sign the back

We recognize the difficulty in getting a neutral expression from your newborn. We do allow some range for infant facial expressions.


Canada Passport photos Professional photography:

Shanghai Etimes Digital Photo studio

Add: No.273,Xinbang Road,Minhang District,Shanghai,China

Tel: 86 21-51983704 Phone:86 18930039830



  本文标题:加拿大移民照片为什么一定要到专业照相馆去拍  地址:/news/gongsixinwen/13.html


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